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Old Lesbians Organizing
for Change



OLOC's Herstory

In 1989, OLOC, Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, was conceived as a way to utilize the unique experiences of Lesbians at least 60 years of age, to challenge ageism within our own community, within the larger women’s community and within society at large. Since its inception, OLOC has formed a network of Old Lesbians all over the country, keeping us connected through our quarterly newsletter, The Reporter. To help enlighten and motivate readers about ageism and its effects on everyone, especially Old Lesbians, OLOC authored and published a groundbreaking document entitled The Facilitator's Handbook: Confronting Ageism and subtitled Consciousness Raising for Lesbians 60 and Over. OLOC now holds a National Gathering every other year, where Old Lesbians from all over the country come together to learn more and strengthen the bonds between us. Today, OLOC continues to act as a force for change, with strong participation and new chapters forming all across the country. more...

Available Now, 100 Page Herstory

Herstory of OLOC: 1989 to 2007 The herstory is 100 pages long and includes excerpts from lots of primary documents of OLOC's early years that are stored in the OLOC archives. Each piece in the Herstory is the result of a coordinated effort between Arden Eversmeyer,Margaret Purcell, and Mary Henry. Vera Martin carefully reviewed it. Martin is aco-founder of OLOC and she and Eversmeyer are former OLOC Co-Directors. Purcell did the major work of searching for and extracting material from the archives and also did the layout. OLOC sends her a huge thank you for this marvelous document. The Herstory is available for purchase for $20.00. Please pay by check or Paypal or by contacting

OLOC • P. O. Box 5853 • Athens, OH 45701
email: or call: 1-888-706-7506

©OLOC 2024-2017

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