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Committed to Empowering Old Lesbians


Elana Dykewomon, 1949

Dear OLOC Sisters:             June 2013

This a fundraising appeal. Give OLOC whatever you can, as generously as you can imagine. And here's why:

The first time I went to an OLOC National Gathering I was 59, and I was blown away. It opened my heart to new belief in what I could still accomplish, could still accomplish with others, cursing, organizing, making alliances, writing, laughing, demanding to be seen, and changing the world.

Now the world is changed: we are not alone in our oldness. We have created spaces where Old Lesbians can keep working for social justice on all fronts. And OLOC gives us a clear, identifiable place in the spectrum of dykes of all ages.

The Lesbian and feminist movements I grew up in taught me that if you are inspired, you must act to support that inspiration. If you want something new to be done, then get the hell up and do it.

We have sustained a movement for two generations. OLOC will be 25 next year! Help us get to 26, to 126. Lesbians deserve each other's support. We're old enough now to be cool with wearing our hearts on our sleeves: look, we love Lesbians! We love them enough to send money! Send a check, go to PayPal, shower cash on OLOC as if it were the ticker tape showering the dyke march of your dreams! Do it today!

Thanks! Wishing you peace and inspiration,

Elana Dykewomon, 1949