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Committed to Empowering Old Lesbians


Carolyn Gage, 1952

December 2012 Dear OLOC Sisters,

I'm a playwright and a performer. One of my performances is "Sister Carolyn" of the Lesbian Tent Revival, which is an old-timey tent revival, except it's all about radical Lesbian-feminism… Anyway, I thought I would let "Sister Carolyn" write this fundraising appeal to you on behalf of OLOC…so, here goes:

A Mini-Sermon from Sister Carolyn of the Lesbian Tent Revival

Listen up, Sisters! Now, here's something you probably don't know yet, because it's just been discovered:

Trees communicate with each other through their roots. They do. They tell each other if they're needing something, like carbon or water or other things essential for life. And when a tree has a little surplus of these things, she passes them on to the trees that need it. And how do the trees do this? Through a fungus. That's right. A fungus that's growing right down there between the roots. The scientists call it a "fungal network."

And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "What the hell does this have to do with fundraising for OLOC?" Well, I'm going to tell you.

Think of money as the fungus. Think of Old Lesbians as trees in the forest. Trees with deep, old roots… And think of OLOC as the forest. Now, let's start using our money to grow our own "fungal networks" to help us communicate, share resources, survive, and keep OLOC strong and thriving.

Because you know there's a boatload of wisdom in those old trees. And some of those old trees are going to outlive us all!

Blessed be!

"Sister Carolyn" (aka Carolyn Gage), 1952